Project: Professions and qualifications campus “Plant-based biorefining and industrial biotechnologies in the Grand Est region”

Project: Professions and qualifications campus
“Plant-based biorefining and industrial biotechnologies in the Grand Est region”

Category :
Implementation period:
2017 – ∞
- Regional partners: the Grand Est region and the board of education of the Academy of Reims
- Schools: Les Lombards, Oehmichen, La Salle Reims Thillois, Libergier, EPL Avize Viticampus, EPL Balcon des Ardennes, EPL de Rethel, EPL de Somme Suippe, EPL de Saint Pouange, EPL de Chaumont, EPL de Sommes-Vesles and the private agricultural college of Somme-Suippe
- Apprentice training centres: Avize, Balcon des Ardennes, La Salle Reims Thillois, Les Lombards
- Continuous training bodies: Greta de Reims and Greta Sud Champagne
- University: University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA)
- IUT: Châlons-en-Champagne (URCA)
- Engineering colleges: AgroParisTech, Centrale Supélec, Neoma Business School
- Research laboratories: Fractionation of Agri-resources and Environment (UMR Inra 514 FARE), Institute of Molecular Chemistry of Reims (UMR CNRS 7312 ICMR), Champagne Vines and Wines Research Unit (EA 4707 URVVC), Engineering Science Research Group (EA 4694 GRESPI), Reims Economy and Management Laboratory (EA 6292 REGARDS), Information and Communication Science and Techniques Research Centre (EA 3804 CRESTIC), Condorcet Research Federation (FR CNRS 3417)
- Technological platforms: Scientific Cultivation, Biology and Sustainable Development Technologies – Les Lombards school, PFT Production and Maintenance Industrial Engineering – Oehmichen school, Fermentation in Solid Media – URCA (UMR Inra 514 FARE), Plant In Vitro Cultivation – URCA (EA 4707 URVVC), Roméo Supercalculator – URCA (EA 3804 CRESTIC), Molecular Characterisation – URCA (UMR CNRS 7312 ICMR), Vinification – AvizeVitiCampus, Agri-food Processing – Rethel, Biorefinery Research and Innovation (BRI) – ARD
- Companies: Roquette, Tereos, Arbiom, Biolie, Ineos, Norske Skog, Veolia, PAT SAS, Avril, ARD, Celodev, Chamtor, Cristal Union, FRD, La Chanvrière, Neweaver, Procethol 2G, Soufflet and Vivescia
- Professional body: Chemical Industries Union, Picardie Champagne-Ardenne (UIC-PCA)
- Competitiveness cluster: IAR, Bioeconomy Cluster
- Other: Institute of Energy Transition – Picardie Plant-based Innovations, Lessons and Research (ITE Pivert)
The Professions and Qualifications Campus “Plant-based Biorefinery and Industrial Biotechnologies in the Grand Est Region” (CMQ BVBI), headed by the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA) in partnership with the Academy of Reims, DRAAF and the Grand Est regional authority, received official recognition from the Ministry of National Education and Research on 9 February 2017 and was inaugurated on 1 February 2019 at the premises of URCA.
The objective of the project is to unite local authorities and institutions and industrial companies involved in industrial biotechnologies around the growing field of the bioeconomy.
The CMQ BVBI has set itself multiple main objectives:
- To cement the position of the sector in the region in order to turn the Grand Est region into a leader in the field;
- To promote economic development in the Grand Est region via this sector and to establish an international profile;
- To contribute to the permanent settlement within the region of active populations in areas of depopulation and attract innovative companies in the sector which can fill the need for graduates – at all qualification levels – proficient and well-suited to their professional expectations;
- To raise the qualification levels of trainees and facilitate their professional integration.
The Campus is based on an industry and research (academic and private sector) already organised in a federative structure and also on a network of establishments already partially federated, providing a total of 77 training courses relating to the themes of the Campus.
The main objective is to promote the sector throughout the Grand Est with shared ambition: to become a European benchmark in the bioeconomy.