Project: Mutatio

Project: MUTATIO
Category :
Implementation period:
- Soprema
- Oleon
- Van Robaeys et frères
- BPIFrance
- Fibres Energivie cluster
- IAR cluster
Launched in 2010 and financed by Bpifrance, the main objective of the MUTATIO R&D project is to reduce the use of petrochemicals in the design of construction materials and to replace it with biobased raw materials.
Launched in 2010 and financed by Bpifrance, the main objective of the MUTATIO R&D project is to reduce the use of petrochemicals in the design of construction materials and to replace it with biobased raw materials. Managed collaboratively by eight public and private sector partners, MUTATIO is seeking to replace 65% of the fossil raw materials used by SOPREMA with biobased materials from biomass and recycling. The collaboration has culminated in significant scientific and technological advances and to the market introduction of new products, including:
- A range of waterproofing membranes (Mammouth® Néo)based on green polymers
- A solvent-free liquid waterproofing system (Alsan®)
- Armalin: a reinforced waterproofing system mainly composed of flax
- Extruded biobased waterproofing membranes
- Recycling of end-of-life waterproofing membranes
At the scientific level, Mutatio has led to the design of new types of polyurethane insulation foam based on biobased raw materials and the design of new synthetic polymers to replace plasticised PVC used in synthetic membranes.
From the technological point of view, Mutatio has opened up the path to significant innovations, such as the development of a green bitumen, new solvent-free and non-polluting resins and the design of technical, natural and recyclable flax fibres to replace synthetic fibres.
The consortium has also developed new components for polyurethane insulation foams, notably based on microalgae.
Project MUTATIO has led to the creation of a French sector for biobased construction materials.