Project: DINAMHySE

Project: DINAMHySE
Category :
Implementation date:
18 janvier 2019
6 companies:
- PSA Group
- Cockerill Maintenance & Engineering Group
- Haffner Energy
2 public research bodies:
- University of Lorraine
- CEA Tech Grand Est
1 public authority:
- Chaumont Council
3 competitiveness clusters:
- Véhicule du Futur
- Fibres-Energivie
- IAR cluster
1 innovation agency:
- Grand E-nov
Launched on 18 January 2019, the objective of Project DINAMHySE is to stimulate and accelerate development of the hydrogen sector in the Grand Est region, from production right up to the multiple potential applications (mobility, construction, renewables storage). It is also the consortium’s objective to place hydrogen firmly within the context of energy transition. This will take the form of various strategic actions, including:
- Information and guidance by disseminating information about developments, stakeholders and the opportunities of hydrogen/energy
- Supporting and commercialising R&D and deployment projects, providing research services and defining new training modules. Raising the profile of the Grand Est hydrogen sector at the national and European level
Concrete objectives by 2023: carbon-free commissioning of 10 stations powered by locally produced hydrogen, introduction of 500 light utility vehicles and 20 HGVs and the production de 9,000t of carbon-free hydrogen.
Project DINAMHySE is supported by regional companies and authorities and by institutional entities including AFHYPAC, ADEME, the Grand Est regional authority and central government.
The project is financed under the “Be Est Filières d’Avenir” call for projects within the context of the GPI investment plan.
The Club Hydrogène Grand Est
The DINAMHySE consortium also established the Club Hydrogène Grand Est on 22 March 2019 in Nancy. The objective of the club is to coordinate this new regional ecosystem and to provide private and public sector operators with a pertinent range of services.
The Club Hydrogène Grand Est is a discussion, collaboration and business forum It also provides a link with national and international networks such as AFHYPAC and Hydrogen Europe.