Grand Est region competitiveness


Grand Est region competitiveness

Target audience:

  • Industrial companies and industrial service companies incorporated as capital corporations seeking to modernise and/or transform their overall production model
  • SMEs located in the Grand Est region with production activities
  • Mid-market and large companies (excluding those covered by the SME modernisation scheme) whose production site is located in the Grand Est and with independent decision-making and financing arrangements.


To accelerate the technological, economic, organisational and environmental transformation of regional companies by supporting their change management and project implementation initiatives.

Investment projects:

Investments in new equipment or non-equipment items relating to the defined projects, replacement of equipment only if its leads to a significant improvement in the company’s competitiveness and achieves a major technological leap forward, and retrofitted used equipment and retrofitting costs provided that the modification leads to higher technical performance than the initial machine.

External studies and appraisals:

For the SME modernisation scheme, such studies must be carried out by external service providers and must preferentially concern the company’s consultancy costs directly related to the investment project.
For the industry of the future scheme, such studies must relate to project implementation They may be carried out by an external service provider or by recruiting a project manager specifically responsible for deploying the project or for carrying out an internal study requiring specific expertise.

Type: grant