Pré-événement ISGA-7 Symposium of Gasification
Date(s) - 25/03/2021
9h00 - 12h00
Pré-événement ISGA Symposium of Gasification
Due to the current outbreak of Covid-19, it has been decided to postpone the ISGA-7 Conference. It will be held in Nancy, France the last week of September 2021. This conference will include plenary, keynote and short lectures as well as poster sessions.
A pre-event is scheduled online on Thursday 25th March.
Digital Pre-event Programme :
- 8:45 am (Paris time UTC+1): Meeting room opening
- 9:00 am (Paris time UTC+1): Introduction by Guanyi Chen (Tianjin University, China)
- 9:10 am: The role of biobased economy, negative emissions and gasification routes for reaching the 1,5°C target by André Faaij (TNO, The Netherlands)
- 9:30 am: Gasification for Conversion of Waste to Energy and Resource by Chi-Hwa Wang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- 9:50 am: Chemicals and fuel from gasification of biomass and waste by Berend Vreugdenhil (TNO, The Netherlands)
- 10:10 am: Solar gasification of biomass using dual fluidized bed reactors by Alberto Gomez-Barea (Univ. Sevilla, Spain)
- 10:30 am: Coal gasification technologies for producing fuel gas in China by Guangwen Xu (Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, China)
- 10:50 am: Catalytic abatment of tar: is this lock released? by Claire Courson (ICPEES Strasbourg, France)
- 11:10 am: A standardised gasification system and methodology for evaluating the performance of different feedstocks, control algorithms and tar detection systems by Ian Watson (Univ. of Glasgow, Scotland)
- 11:30 am: Syngas Biomethanation: an alternative way to energy storage by Hariklia Gavala (DTU, Denmark)
- 11:50 am: Conclusion by Guillain Mauviel (University of Lorraine, France)
ISGA-7 is the 7th edition of the International Symposium on Gasification and its Applications.
- Location : NANCY
Gasification of solid fuels allows producing syngas that may be upgraded to various convenient energy carriers: electricity, gaseous fuels (H2, CH4), liquid fuels (diesel, methanol, DME). Besides political and legal barriers, there are still scientific, technological and economic challenges that should be overcome to accelerate the implementation of gasification in our growing world. Every 2 years, the ISGA events gather the researchers to discuss the progress that have been achieved. ISGA-7 will also gather industrials that will detail their achievements and needs.
ISGA-7 will deal with various scientific and technological topics related with:
- gasification reactors: fixed bed, fluidized bed, entrained flow…
- upgrading technology: syngas purification and separation, engines / fuel cells, catalytic and biological reactors
- gasification processes analysis: environmental, social and economic impacts assessment.